Bring gadget experiences to a close.
Today’s laptops, smartphones and tablets rarely need to be powered down thanks to efficient standby modes. Leaving gadgets on standby makes it convenient to resume using them, but they still sip power. This habit also allows tasks, stress, and mental clutter to carry over from each day to the next because we unknowingly neglect an opportunity to feel closure.
Rather than leaving gadgets on standby, take a minute or two to bring your gadget experience to a close at the end of the day. Save your work, quit your applications, and reflect on how you used your gadget that day. Give thanks for the wonder and convenience your gadget brings to your life, but acknowledge that it serves you, and must respect your boundaries.
- Power down gadgets when you are finished using them for the day. Yes, even your smartphone.
- Take a moment to reflect on how you used your gadget that day. Consider what a wonderful thing your gadget is, and how you might use it better tomorrow.